
Look, we all love Halloween times, what with all the pumpkins and the ghosties and the sheer terror lying in wait around ever corner. But why limit the emotion of fear to one measly month out of the calendar year? Why can't we all live in a state of constant fear instead? After all, the night is dark and full of terrors, and the internet is large and full ofhorror stories. Horror stories that you can read online. For free. Right now. Here are just a few of the creepiest, spine-tingliest stories that you can read online right now, from your very own phone, computer, or haunted looking glass.

  1. Creepypasta's & undertale au's& on crack!-a few pov's lol 'm bored-EliXDLokiXD ♡Dis is gonna be an au sans and papyrus'es and creepypastas. 'M bored so I shall make.
  2. Oct 28, 2020 DESCRIPTION While walking with your brother, everything turns into horror and drags the hero into a series of terrible events. Your brother has been kidnapped, and you are left face-to-face with an ominous forest filled with dangers and strange creatures.
  3. Creepy Tale MacOSX Free Download Creepy Tale: During a walk with his brother, everything turns into horror and leads the hero into a series of terrible events. Your brother has been kidnapped and you find yourself face to face with a spooky forest full of dangers and strange creatures.
  4. Today, the traditional creepy tale told in times gone by around the hearth or campfire has been upgraded in the digital age in the form of creepypasta. The name derives from the practice of ‘copypasta’ or copying and pasting scary short stories on message boards and in email and share many of the same characteristics as traditional ghost.

These aren't just creepypasta tales from the depths of Reddit, either. Some of the finest horror authors around have their terrifying stories available free online for your reading pleasure (if you dare). Here you'll find tales of creepy dolls and unsettling wigs, doppelgangers and medical horror and bodies found in bogs. They range from classic horror stories that have lasted for generations to new (and supremely creepy) creations written expressly for the internet.

So here are a few short, scary stories to send a shiver done your spine. Just don't blame me when you have trouble sleeping tonight (or even again):

'Patient Zero' starts off cute enough: our narrator is a little boy, confined to his hospital room. What's less creepy than a hospital? But as Due's expertly paced story unfolds, we come to understand who this boy truly is... and what's happening to the world around him.

Oct 28, 2020 While walking with your brother, everything turns into horror and drags the hero into a series of terrible events. Your brother has been kidnapped, and you are left face-to-face with an ominous forest filled with dangers and strange creatures. Solve the puzzles that you meet on the way, do not let yourself be caught, and save your brother!

You know that feeling you get, when you have to walk up the stairs alone in an old, dark house? And you know that you shouldn't be afraid of the dark, but you can't help but feel like something is following, just behind you? Neil Gaiman has distilled that feeling into a story. 'Click-clack the Rattlebag' is short, simple, and utterly bone chilling.

Emily Carroll is the reigning queen when it comes to creepy, interactive horror comics. 'His Face All Red' is one of her best. If you like fairy tales that twist around and make you feel a little queasy, this one is for you.

You probably know Nnedi Okorafor from her fantasy writing, but know that she can also be very creepy when she wants to. For proof, you need only read the strange, wig-based story of 'Hello, Moto' (and try not to disappear in a flash of green light).

You know how they sometimes find those ancient bodies, perfectly preserved, in a bog? 'Bog Girl' is about a girl who is found in a bog, and about the boy who loves her. It's creepy bordering on sweet... but romance with a bog girl is not so simple, in the end.

At first, the kids in 'How to Get Back to the Forest' seem like any other kids at summer camp: homesick and loud and obsessed with creepy rumors. But then we start to understand that this is not a summer camp as we know it... and these children are never, ever going home.

If you only think of bears as cuddly stuffed animals or lovable carton goofs, go and read 'The Third Bear' by Jeff Vandermeer. It is not about a cutesy teddy bear, to say the least. The word 'intestines' features at least once.

Poppy Z. Brite is a master at weaving together horror and magic and passionate love to create stories like 'The Ash of Memory, the Dust of Desire.' So if you're looking to read about steamy romance and half-rotted corpses in the very same story... this is the one for you.

Really, you just can't go wrong with a Stephen King horror story. Even the least of his writing will give you nightmares for a solid week. 'Premium Harmony' is a return to the creepy, fictional town of Castle Rock (as seen in the upcoming Hulu show), where domestic disputes unravel into grotesque horror.

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A storm rages through a diner window. The Nightcrawlers are coming. And to find out exactly what the Nightcrawlers are, you'll just have to read 'Nightcrawlers' for a vivid, tense, classic horror story set on a dark and stormy night.

Yes, Joe Hill just so happens to be the son of the one and only Stephen King, but he's also a great horror writer in his own right. 'Abraham's Boys,' for example, captures the eternal fear of being locked in a basement to perish right in the first paragraph, and just keeps going from there.

Creepy doll. CREEPY DOLL. Surely, the creepy doll story is the highest level of creep. And 'The Doll,' a story of obsession and violins and dolls with blank, staring eyes, is one of the ultimate classics.

Of course, what's a collection of horror stories without at least one vampire? 'Sunbleached' brings us a most uncomfortable vampire, hidden in the crawlspace of a house to avoid the sun. It's less of a sexy vampire tale and more of a horrific, bloodsucking vampire tale. Either way, be sure to read in the shade.

Not to double-down on the Gaiman content, but the creepy alien genre is tragically underused. Gaiman's 'How to Talk to Girls at Parties' is delightfully weird, creepy, and deeply awkward for anyone who's ever been to a party where they didn't know that many people.

'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?' is not an especially long or complicated story. The plot is simply a guy called Arnold Friend driving up to a girl's house, and asking her to come with him on a ride. That's it. And yet... this is perhaps the creepiest story of them all. Because the longer we spend with Arnold Friend, the more we start to fear him.

Estimated reading time — 4minutes

You’d finally done it.

After weeks of digging around and bugging the lady at the front desk, you’d found it: the elevator code for floor zero.

You make your way to the nearest elevator, trying your hardest to contain your excitement.

You’ve been told so many rumors about the place that you weren’t sure if they were even fiction. Some said it was a dark room full of spiderwebs, some said it was full of old mannequins, and some said it was just a storage floor with nothing interesting to see.

You enter the elevator, your mind flooded with expectations. You enter the code into the keypad, and the elevator begins to descend. The elevator continues its descent for nearly 20 seconds, which was strange, considering you started on the base floor.

As the elevator doors open, you’re immediately hit with the temperature. It’s hot. Not unbearably so, but noticeable. Once the doors are fully opened, you take a step out. There’s not much to see. The walls are a faded yellow color and have off-white wallpaper lining the bottom. The carpet is of the same sickening hue, and reeks of age.

The worst part, however, is the lights.

In terms of color, just like the rest of the room, but they’re flickering in an unusually rhythmic way. The humming drones on at a steady pace as if it will never stop. The sight is intriguing, though somewhat unnerving. You take a few more steps, and then realize that there is a hallway leading out of the room.

You begin to approach the hallway, but then hesitate. You feel a sense of unease, but your curiosity gets the better of you and you continue down the hallway.

The hallway ends at a room much like the one that you started in, but with small differences. The walls are laid out differently, and there’s an opening leading to another hallway on the right. You continue down the next hallway until you reach another room. This one is somewhat larger than the other two and has a higher ceiling. However, there’s also a couch with the same dreadful yellow tinge sitting to the side.

You examine the couch, not daring to touch it. It smells like it hasn’t been used in years, but seems to have no dust on it at all. Now that you think of it, there’s no dust anywhere. None at all. This realization unnerves you even more, but yet again, your curiosity trumps it and you walk further into the room.

As you reach the end of the room, you’re confronted with a choice. A fork in the path. Two different hallways leading different directions. You think for a moment, and choose the left path, but as you begin to enter the hallway, something makes you jump.

Throughout your trek through each part of the strange series of rooms, there’s been no sound. Nothing but the droning of the lights and your footsteps on the carpet. That is, up until this point.

You hear a slight sound of movement. Just the slightest bump, but it’s enough to make you jump and spin around rapidly.

As you analyze your surroundings, you feel as if something is off. You can’t say what, but this feeling is enough to get you to turn around. You make your way across the room, extremely anxious after the noise. As you reach the other side of the room, you realize two things. First, the droning noise has stopped. Secondly, the old couch has gone missing.

These two things are enough to make you afraid. You’re genuinely terrified of these rooms. As you quickly turn to the hallway that leads to the exit, you stop dead in your tracks.

The hallway is pitch black.

You can’t even see the room at the end of it; it’s in the dark as well. You’re left with only two options: Either you continue down the corridors leading toward the other side of the room and hope that you find a way back, or you risk traversing the pitch black hallway and feel your way back to the elevator.

As you ponder the decision, your time quickly becomes limited, as the light at the other end of the room goes out. You decide on option A and run blindly into the dark hallway. As you reach the room at the end, suddenly the lights come back on. As your eyes adjust to the light, you notice that the droning of the lights has returned as well. You’d almost feel better, if it weren’t for one thing: there are no exits to the room.

You look around again, making sure that you aren’t going crazy. But sure enough, they’re gone.

“But, how?” you think. You entered this room through one, right? Right? You rack your brain trying to think of how this may have happened, scanning the room over and over. You examine each wall, checking in case it’s an optical illusion caused by how similar the walls are, but alas, no luck.

Once you’ve checked them all, you turn to the hall you just entered through to find that it’s gone as well. As you see this, you’re brought to your knees. You nearly start crying. You’re trapped. There’s no escape. Tears fill your eyes as you cry out in anguish.

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You sit in silence with your eyes shut for a good two minutes, only to find, once you open your eyes again, that the exits have returned.

You stand up slowly, not daring to take your eyes off of the way out this time. You slowly make your way down the hallway, into the room you started in. As you reach the elevator, you quickly press the button. It only took about 30 seconds for the elevator to reach you, but at the time, it seemed like hours.

As the doors open, you hastily get inside and press the button for your floor.

As you reach your destination, you breathe a sigh of relief.

Your face is streaked with tears, and you’re exhausted and still terrified over what you just went through, but you’re relieved.

You never did tell anyone about floor zero, maybe because you thought it was a dream, or maybe you were going insane…

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But maybe

Just maybe

Suddenly, you recall what you saw as the elevator doors closed.

As they shut behind you, you turned and saw… nothing. Nothing unusual, that is. Just a normal-looking storage floor, somewhat dimly-lit.

What was unusual was that everything else – the yellow lights, walls, and carpet – had all seemingly vanished in an instant.

The worst part, however, was when you noticed something that made your situation so much worse.

Through the crack of the elevator door just before it closed for the last time, you got one last look at what you could swear was the faint outline of something in the corner.

Something slowly moving in your direction.

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Credit: Gabe Hulvey

This story was submitted to Creepypasta.com by a fellow reader. To submit your own creepypasta tale for consideration and publication to this site, visit our submissions page today.

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on Creepypasta.com are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance.